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Associate Spotlight

Associate Spotlight: James Wuertz Jr

James Wuertz Jr. is another wonderful Musselman associate who is a member of our Hilton Garden Inn Northeast team! He is their Chief Maintenance Engineer and has been with Musselman since 2014!

Tell us a little about yourself…Where are you from? What do you like to do outside work? How did you end up in the hospitality industry? When did you join the Hilton Garden Inn Northeast team? Etc…

Born and raised in Louisville Ky. I have been married for 28 years. My wife and I have two boys, ages 22 and 20, and a daughter 18. Our oldest works at UPS and goes to UofL and is getting married in June of ’18. Our middle son is currently at Western Ky Univ. Our daughter started IU Southeast and wants to study pharmacy.
I am a sports nut. The whole family bleeds BLUE!! Which is fun living in Louisville. I like just about all sports but am PASSIONATE about baseball. Baseball is the greatest game on the planet, in my mind. I still play softball one or two nights a week. My boys are old enough to play in a men’s league, so they and a few of their friends play too. It won’t be long before us old guys “pass the torch” to the youngsters…Until then we keep up with them as much as possible.
I have been at the Hilton Garden Inn NE for 3.5 years now. I transferred from Courtyard Marriot downtown just shortly after being hired at that property. One of my best friends was the chief engineer there. I was looking for a job at the time, he knew my capabilities and hired me. He told me it would not be long before I would have my own property to run and here I am.

What was your background (school and/or work) or experience before joining Musselman Hotels at the Hilton Garden Inn Northeast Richmond?

I graduated from Trinity High School way back in 1982. Went to Bellarmine, JCC, and UofL for a while, not knowing what to do with myself. I worked fulltime mostly in restaurants, and bars, and construction jobs. I ran a bar in the Germantown neighborhood for 10 years and another restaurant in the Highlands before coming to work for Musselman’s.

Did you know anything about hotels and the hospitality industry before starting with us?

I never worked for a hotel but had a lot of experience in the restaurant industry, so I was use to the customer service side of things.

So what was the learning curve like and how is Musselman Hotels different from other places and/or hotels you have worked in?

I have learned a lot since I have been here. I have been at places where you are “thrown in the fire” to see what happens. I usually come out only slightly burnt. This company really looks after its employees. I have discussed issues with other Chiefs at other properties and everyone is helpful when and where they can.

Have received any awards/recognition since joining the company? If so, what did that mean for you?

Nothing out of the ordinary as of yet, but I have felt appreciated here almost every day. That is something you don’t get at a lot of places.

What types of support do you receive from management and other team members?

Whenever I need it, I call upon two chiefs quite a bit and they are always willing to help where they can. I try to return that sentiment whenever possible.

How have your duties at the Hilton Garden Inn Northeast changed over time?

My GM and I have a great working relationship. He had me on a short leash when I first came here. Over time that has been let out slowly as my GM has grown more confident with me and my work.

What is your favorite thing about your position?

I try to be a problem solver. Most of the time I am fixing something or helping a guest with an issue. Whether it’s an issue with their room or somewhere else on property, I try to make their stay more comfortable. The traveler is on the road, so I try to get them to feel at home.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

I have really enjoyed playing softball with my boys. I coached them in baseball when they were young. They remember going to softball games watching me. Now I get the chance to play and watch them.

If you had to choose one motto and/or saying you live by what would it be?

“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Who knows where anyone will be in 5 years. I hope to be here, or at least another property within this company. This is one the best jobs I have had in a long time. Musselman Hotels really tries to look after its employees. They understand that the people in the company are what makes that company successful.