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Associate Spotlight: Jackie Shepard

Our latest Associate Spotlight is Lobby Attendant, Jackie Shepard at the Seelbach Hilton. She is new to the Musselman family but has been with the Seelbach team since 1992! Continue reading to learn more about this valued associate!

Tell us a little about yourself…Where are you from? What do you like to do outside work? How did you end up in the hospitality industry? When did you join the Seelbach Hilton team? Etc…

I’m from Louisville, KY. I like reading, walking and listening to music and eating. I love fried chicken and baked chicken (the healthier choice). I joined the Seelbach team on 4/15/1992.

What was your background (school and/or work) or experience before joining Musselman Hotels at the Seelbach Hilton?

I was working at Kings Daughters Nursing Home. I worked there for about 6 years.

Did you know anything about hotels and the hospitality industry before starting with us?

No. I would hear people talk about it on the bus going to work and I would ask them, “What do you do at the hotel?” “How is it working at the hotel?” Then they started telling me that the Seelbach was hiring and showed me where it was at. I got really interested after talking to them about it often and it was right on the bus line so I decided to apply.

What was the transition like last year when Musselman took over and how is Musselman Hotels different from other places and/or hotels you have worked in?

It was a good transition. It was a little confusing at first but they told us to be patient, once they explained things to us it was much better getting use to the changes. Small things like vacation/sick is now PTO…getting used to things like that. I feel great to work for Musselman. They are more family like and friendly. We are doing more now than before. The hallways look nice, the entrance is bright and cheerful, the break room and the locker room changes are great. It has been a great experience.

Have received any awards/recognition since joining the company? If so, what did that mean for you?

I was Employee of the 2nd Quarter this year.

What types of support do you receive from management and other team members?

They help me and will encourage me to do things differently than how we used to do it. Co-workers will come and check if I need help and bring supplies if needed.

How have your duties at the Seelbach Hilton changed over time?

I first started as a Room Attendant and then went to Public Space so there was a big shift but I’ve also helped in Laundry and Housemen…I’ve done it all.

What is the most interesting challenge you have been faced with at the Seelbach Hilton and how did you handle it?

Walking in and finding a homeless person lying on the floor in the bathroom stall and I asked, “Ma’am are you ok?’ and she did not respond so I thought she was deceased. I ran out and to the front desk to get Security to check. She was just sleeping. Whew!

What is your favorite thing about your position?

I get to see more people and get to interact with them more. When I was in rooms I did not have an opportunity to do that very often. I get to show them how to get to certain areas of the hotel and answer questions they may have.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

Spending quality time with family and friends.

If you had to choose one motto and/or saying you live by what would it be?

Be yourself. Be the better person. And think before you speak. Everything does not require a response.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I plan to retire from the Seelbach…but not anytime soon. Also, I would like to go on a cruise and more trips.