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Associate Spotlight: Loryn Gesner

Our latest Associate Spotlight is Paula “Loryn” Gesner from the Fairfield Inn Elizabethtown. She is currently a housekeeper but has worked in multiple positions with us since starting back in 2013! Get to know this valuable Musselman associate!

Tell us a little about yourself…
Where are you from? What do you like to do outside work? How did you end up in the hospitality industry? When did you join the Fairfield Inn Elizabethtown team? Etc…

I was born April 18th in Memphis, TN. In 1998, my family and I moved to Elizabethtown, KY. I have three wonderful little boys, who by the way, are not so little anymore. Preston is 12 going on 16, Jacob is 10 and almost as tall as me, and Noah will be eight in November. Those three keep me on my toes! I have recently remarried. As of May 2016, I can officially say I am married to my best friend, Ryan. I started at the Fairfield in August of 2013.

What was your background (school and/or work) or experience before joining Musselman Hotels at the Fairfield Inn Elizabethtown?

I got my first job at the Cookie Store at 15 years old. This began my career life in customer service. In 2011, I became a licensed phlebotomist. I have also been very blessed with having been able to travel and work with the Salvation Army on multiple occasions.

Did you know anything about hotels and the hospitality industry before starting with us?

I have to admit, I did not know what to expect. With years of ‘customer service’ under my belt, I felt comfortable with the hospitality part of the job.

So what was the learning curve like and how is Musselman Hotels different from other places and/or hotels you have worked in?

I have to admit, I did not know what to expect. With years of ‘customer service’ under my belt, I felt comfortable with the hospitality part of the job.

Have received any awards/recognition since joining the company? If so, what did that mean for you?

I have been selected for Associate of the Quarter twice now. I am very grateful for any and all recognition. I simply enjoy what I do.

What types of support do you receive from management and other team members?

I have always felt very close to my team here at Fairfield. Many of them have helped me, on a personal note, many times. I truly believe you would receive the same support no matter who you ask here.

How have your duties at the Fairfield Inn Elizabethtown changed over time?

Over time, I trained in different positions, becoming available to fill-in when needed. I went from housekeeping, to inspecting, to laundry, and breakfast. I enjoy being able to help where needed.

What is the most interesting challenge you have been faced with at the Fairfield Inn Elizabethtown and how did you handle it?

We had a power outage that lasted for quite some time. We lined the hallways with glow sticks. The housekeepers were all trying our best. It was just a fun and interesting time.

What is your favorite thing about your position?

My favorite thing about housekeeping is the fact that I work at my own speed and that’s ok. Laundry definitely keeps you busy. I love breakfast not only because I enjoy the position, I get to interact with the guests.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

I have to say, I have a very balanced love between spending time with friends and being active, and just being at home with my husband and children.

If you had to choose one motto and/or saying you live by what would it be?

The Two Wolves comes to mind:

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is EVIL. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other on is GOOD. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:

“Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

~ Author Unknown

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

We are all asked this question from very early in life, aren’t we? I have honestly never been able to answer this one.