Jessica Hysong
April 12, 2019
Jessica grew up in Richmond, Virginia and graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has worked in finance and accounting across industries, most recently spending five years in property management and investment before joining the Musselman team as the property accountant for the Westin Richmond.
In her free time, Jessica is an amateur journalist and blogger and is active in animal rescue. She has four rescue animals at home. Her two dogs, Lilly, a 13 yr old Cocker Spaniel mix, and her newest addition Ruby, a 9 yr old Walker hound, are bossed around by her two cats, Charlie (aka Sir Charles of Fluffpants) and Lila. Jessica actively fosters as needed for several local agencies and in the event of any and every found kitten. She lives with her partner Aaron and is a part-time stepmom to his two daughters, Emily, age 9, and Ava, age 7.