Corporate Office Attends Annual Women4Women Luncheon!
We had so much fun at the annual Women 4 Women Luncheon! We enjoyed a delicious lunch and listened to an inspirational speaker and best-selling author, Liz Murray.
In 1993, Elaine “Cissy” Musselman gathered a group of women for lunch to celebrate her 50th birthday. During lunch, she shared with them a dream she had nurtured for years: to raise awareness of and money for the issues and needs affecting women and girls in our community.
This group of women professionals, community activists, and philanthropists committed themselves and their corporations to an all-women’s golf tournament in Louisville in order to raise money for women’s causes. Before lunch was over, $17,000 was raised and Women 4 Women was born.
That year, more than $40,000 was raised to benefit organizations serving women victims of violence and Women 4 Women was born.
The mission of Women 4 Women is to improve the economic self-sufficiency of women and girls in our community through grantmaking and collaboration.
We are a non-profit organization in Louisville, Kentucky, led by women who believe that the core strength of our society rests on the contributions of women. Women 4 Women envisions our community as one of the best places for girls, women and their families to live and work.
Women 4 Women strives to empower women and girls in our community through our Economic Self-Sufficiency Model. This Model focuses on four key areas: health and safety, education and leadership, jobs and earnings, and social change and the single-parent economy. Women 4 Women believes that by empowering women and girls we are empowering entire family units and having a lasting impact on our community and future generations.